Phone: 520.889.9643 | Fax: 520.889.9023
By Appointment Only

NOTE: We are NOT taking ferals on the following dates for the month of May 5/10, 5/17, 5/23, 5/24, 5/27.  Starting in 2024 all dog spay/neuter surgeries will be required to go home with an e-collar (cone) for $15.

abandoned kittens

What Should You Do If You See Abandoned Kittens?

Pet lovers would do almost anything to rescue an animal in distress, but not everybody has the experience to care for abandoned animals safely. What would you do if you saw a litter of abandoned kittens on your property?

If you find an animal in distress and need advice, the Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic is here to help. Dr. Neal is a caring veterinarian in Tucson, AZ and a proud member of the community. She founded a charitable organization that provides spay and neuter services and support for pet owners in need.

Dr. Neal has the following advice for anyone who finds abandoned kittens on their property.

Evaluate the Situation

Assessing the condition of the kittens and the environment is a crucial first step in deciding how best to help them:

  • Do you see just one or two, or is there an entire litter of kittens?
  • Do the kittens seem to be in any immediate danger?
  • Are the kittens ill or injured? Can they move on their own and hide from predators?

If the kittens are safe as they are, your best bet might be to watch the kittens but not intervene directly.

Look for Signs of the Mother

If kittens are too young to hunt for themselves, they might fall prey to hunger and disease without their mother to look after them. If you don’t see any signs of the mother around after several hours, the kittens might need someone to take care of them.

Keep in mind that mother cats who live on their own learn to hide from humans who might want to do them harm. If the kittens do not seem deprived, the mother might have come by to check on them without you noticing.

Prepare to Take Care of the Kittens Yourself

Abandoned kittens will need warmth, water, protection from the elements, and a source of nutrition.

Unweaned kittens require round-the-clock care. You can care for them yourself in a box covered with a blanket. One of the most important things you can do for kittens is to keep their body temperature high.

Local animal shelters do not take kittens, but they often provide resources to pet owners who are fostering kittens. After the kittens are eight weeks old, have them spayed and neutered before bringing them to a shelter.

Finding Foster Parents

If you are new to pet ownership or don’t have much experience caring for kittens, consider asking a friend or family member to take care of them. Local animal aid groups or neighborhood organizations might be able to spread the word about kittens who need a good home.

Get Help Taking Care of Abandoned Kittens from the Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic

When you commit to taking care of animals, including newborn kittens, you need access to any help you can get. Learn how to spot common cat illnesses and more information about proper pet care by calling Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic at 520-889-9643.  

cat illnesses

5 Common Cat Illnesses and How To Spot Them

Cats are excellent at self-maintenance. Therefore, it’s not always easy to spot when they require health checks and treatment.

We’ll cover some cat illnesses (with signs and symptoms), so you’ll know when to take advantage of the veterinarian services by Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic.


Common causes of cat diarrhea include intestinal parasites, allergies, ingested spoiled cat food, infections, and life-threatening conditions like cancer and liver disease.

A cat dealing with diarrhea will eject loose or watery stool. The condition may last a few days or weeks, depending on the cause. Provide fresh, clean water to prevent dehydration. You should also ensure the cat doesn’t go more than 12 hours without food.

If diarrhea lasts longer than a day, bring your cat to our office immediately. 

 Feline Leukemia

This infectious disease causes death in 85% of persistently infected felines within three years of diagnosis. The feline leukemia virus (FLV) causes lymphoma and anemia. It can also predispose your cat to other infections.

Symptoms of FLV infection include:

  • Fever
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Stomatitis
  • Yellowing in the white part of the eyes
  • Pale gums
  • Poor coat condition
  • Wet loss
  • Loss of appetite

More than 70% of infected cats resist the infection and make a full recovery. However, it’s best to bring the cat for a professional diagnosis if you notice these symptoms.

Diabetes Mellitus

Lack of insulin or an inadequate response to insulin causes diabetes in cats. The inability to produce or utilize insulin causes elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). Untreated hyperglycemia can cause a myriad of health problems for your cat.

Some signs of diabetes in a cat include excessive thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, and increased appetite. Diabetes isn’t one of the most common cat illnesses, but you should watch out for it nonetheless. 

Respiratory Infections

Your cat’s upper respiratory tract is susceptible to infections caused by different viruses and bacteria.

Some signs of upper respiratory tract infections in cats include discharge from the eyes, sneezing, conjunctivitis, lethargy, mouth ulcers, and breathing difficulties.

Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites can plague your cat. For example, tapeworms in the small intestine can grow up to two feet in length. They break off in segments when expelled.

Common signs of feline intestinal parasite problems include weight loss and vomiting.  

You can also do a visual check by looking at the cat’s feces, the bedding, and the anus. Tapeworms will come out of the cat’s anus during rest or naps. If you notice small white worms or seed-like droplets, it’s a sign of an intestinal parasite problem.

Be sure to tackle all flea problems while treating your cat for tapeworm infestation. Cats often get tapeworm infections by swallowing fleas.

Find Out More About Cat Illnesses

Do you need more information on cat illnesses? Get in touch with us to discuss all other possible ailments that may plague your furry companion. Call Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic today at 520-889-9643 for an appointment in Tucson, AZ.

You can also check out our blog for more pet education and learn how you can keep your pets safe this summer.

summer pet safety

Summer Pet Safety: 5 Best Practices

Keeping your pet safe and happy in the summer requires a few extra steps. You can review the best tips for summer pet safety with our Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic team. We offer veterinary services in Tucson, AZ. Find out more by calling us at 520-889-9643

1. Keep Your Pets Out of Hot Cars

The temperatures outside can quickly shoot past 100 degrees in Tucson during the summer months. Cars, even if you have the windows cracked, intensify this heat. Temperatures can climb by more than 20 degrees in only a few minutes, representing a health risk for your furry friend. 

Cats and dogs do not sweat, so they overheat more quickly. Ten minutes in a hot car can have deadly results for pets. If you do leave your pet in a hot car, keep an eye out for these symptoms associated with heatstroke: 

  • Shallow panting
  • Tacky gums
  • Sunken eyes
  • Lethargy 

Get your pet to a vet as quickly as possible if you notice any of the above. 

2. Monitor Pets Around Pools

Part of summer safety involves ensuring safe pool usage. Cool water can feel very tempting on a warm day, even to our animal companions. They often jump into or enter pools in an attempt to cool down and stay comfortable. 

However, many pets have a difficult or impossible time getting out of a pool once they get in. Therefore, monitor your pets around above or below ground pools to ensure they do not drown. 

3. Watch Out for Parasites

Many pets spend more time outside in the summer months, enjoying the sun and pleasant weather. Unfortunately, fleas, ticks, and other parasites also become more active during this time of the year. Apply flea and tick medications to your pets as recommended and check them regularly for signs of parasites. 

4. Give Your Pet Shade and Water

If your pet spends time outside, make sure they have access to both water and shade. Because pets don’t sweat, they have a more challenging time regulating their temperature through the hottest parts of the day. 

If you believe your pet may have gotten too hot but not yet experienced heatstroke, you may wipe them down with a moist cloth. This strategy helps simulate the cooling effects of sweat, allowing your pet to cool down more quickly. 

5. Bring a Travel Bag if You Go on a Trip

Summertime represents a chance for you to get out and enjoy the world. If you bring your pet with you, it’s good to pack a specialized pet travel bag. Include things like: 

  • Fresh water
  • Food
  • Travel bowls
  • Toys
  • Treats 

You may also consider including first-aid items to keep your pet safe. 

Learn More About Summer Pet Safety

Do you want more summer pet safety tips? Reach out to us to learn more and discuss your other pet care needs. We handle general appointments, problems with your dog’s teeth, and more. 

Call Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic at 520-889-9643 for an appointment in Tucson, AZ.

misconceptions of spaying and neutering

5 Misconceptions of Spaying and Neutering That Need to Be Cleared Up

If you own a pet, there’s a good chance you’ve either considered or heard about neutering as an option. While these procedures have many benefits, some pet owners have concerns about potential complications or downsides. These misconceptions of spaying and neutering require discussion, so this article will cover some of the most common negative beliefs and explain the truth of the matter.

Misconception: Animals Must Be Older to be Spayed or Neutered

Many pet owners believe that their animals must be fully grown before considering spaying or neutering. However, both cats and dogs mature much faster than people and become capable of bearing children within the first six months of life. Therefore, spaying or neutering pets while young is a wise decision for new pet owners. Our website is a great place to learn the appropriate age to spay dogs.

Misconception: It’s Too Expensive

While many pet owners are reluctant to pursue spaying or neutering their pets due to budget concerns, the process is far more affordable than you may think. Additionally, because these procedures benefit the entire community, lower-cost or even free clinics provide these services in many communities. Finally, it’s essential to consider the cost of caring for a litter of kittens or puppies, which can be expensive even if it’s for a short time.

Misconception: The Surgery Is Dangerous

We know you care about your animals and would never want to risk your pet’s health. Unfortunately, many pet owners struggle with whether or not to neuter their pets due to the inherent risk of any surgical procedure. However, modern vets conduct these procedures daily, and the medical evidence proves that the operations for neutering male animals as well as to spay females are both extremely safe. 

Misconception: My Pet’s Personality Will Change

Every pet has a distinct personality, and the fear of them changing may be what’s causing you to choose not to neuter your pets. Fortunately, these procedures will not impact the personality of your pet whatsoever. While reducing sex hormones may minimize aggression or territorialism, your pet will be the same sweet animal you have always known after the procedure.

Misconception: Spaying or Neutering Can Cause Weight Gain

Another common misconception of spaying or neutering your pets is that the procedures can cause weight gain. However, this belief is unfounded, as spaying or neutering should have no impact on your animal’s weight. While your pet may gain some weight during the recovery due to a lack of exercise, a well-regulated diet and regular exercise will have them back to normal in no time.

Get Started

Now that you’ve heard some of the misconceptions of spaying and neutering and how they can mislead pet owners, it’s time to turn your knowledge into action. At Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic, we are proud to provide expert spaying and neutering to the pets of Tucson, AZ. Our expert staff can help you understand the process and learn more about dog neutering, so never hesitate to call Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic at 520-889-9643.

dog destructive chewing

Destructive Chewing in Dogs: Reasons and Solutions

It is common for dogs, particularly puppies, to use their mouths for exploration, entertainment, and play. While a little playful chewing is common and rarely harmful, your dog’s behavior can quickly damage items in your home if you don’t address the problem. 

If you are dealing with destructive chewing, you should address the situation quickly to correct the behavior. Seeking the advice of a veterinarian may help the problem. Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic provides veterinary services in Tucson, AZ, and can help determine whether the behavior is normal or linked to a more significant problem.  

Here are some of the main reasons behind destructive chewing and how you can address the behavior. 

Cause #1: Separation Anxiety 

Adult dogs quickly attach to owners and can experience separation anxiety. A change in the family’s schedule, a new home, or being left alone for long periods can spark fear in your dog, resulting in destructive chewing.

Other signs of separation anxiety include frantic greetings, following you around the house, and barking when you leave. 


Punishing your pets when they display anxious behaviors is not the solution. Reacting harshly will only make the problem worse. Desensitization techniques can address dogs’ destructive chewing caused by anxiety, which exposes your dog to a stimulus starting at a low intensity. 

It is important to remember that your dog is not acting out on purpose and that punishments often create more serious issues. 

Cause #2: Seeking Attention 

Dogs may act out to seek the attention of their owners. Owners give more attention when dogs and puppies display inappropriate actions, inadvertently reinforcing the behavior. A dog’s destructive chewing behavior results in more attention, even if it is negative. 


You can stop attention-seeking behavior by giving your dog plenty of positive attention each day. Identify your dog’s favorite chew items and put these objects where they cannot reach them. Ignore negative actions and praise good ones.  

Cause #3: Boredom

Dogs explore the world with their mouths and may chew clothes, furniture, and shoes if they are left without chew toys. Dogs may display destructive chewing behaviors if left alone for long periods without appropriate entertainment. Puppies need regular mental stimulation and outlets to curb negative actions. 


Dogs, particularly large breeds, need to lead active lifestyles to remain happy and exhibit healthy behaviors. Play with your dog regularly in safe areas and encourage your children to take them on daily walks. 

Increase your dog’s opportunities for mental stimulation, particularly when they are left alone. Purchase chew toys and use a clicker to encourage your dog to play with the toys instead of munching on other items. 

Taking your pet to a behavior class is another excellent way to reinforce the positive behaviors you are teaching at home. Are you experiencing destructive chewing or dealing with separation anxiety in greyhounds? Find out whether the behavior is normal or part of a more significant problem by making an appointment with Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic.

how to trick your dog into taking liquid medicine

How to Trick Your Dog into Taking Liquid Medicine

Regardless of breed, dogs have one thing in common: they don’t enjoy taking liquid medication. Dogs are intelligent about sniffing out pills, tasting medicine that’s mixed in, or wriggling away as you try to dispense liquid medicine. (Pill guns are a different story for another blog.)

Wondering how to trick your dog into taking liquid medicine? Here are five tried and true tricks from Tucson’s top-rated veterinarian, Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic, to get your dog to take medicine. Give them a try – we think you’ll find one that works for you.

Ask Your Vet for Compounded Medicine

Ask your vet if you can get the prescription compounded into ready-made dog treats. This makes your job easier and ensures that your dog receives the correct dosage. (Yes, we are happy to do this for our dog owners!)

Use a Syringe or Dropper

Draw the medication into the syringe or dropper (remember, 1ml = 1cc, 5cc = 1 teaspoon, and 15cc = 1 tablespoon). If it’s refrigerated, warm it in your hand first.

Get your dog into a comfortable spot or have someone hold the dog if needed. Grab the dog’s head with your non-dominant hand and place your dominant hand on top of its muzzle, circling with your thumb and fingers.

Then raise the dog’s nose toward the ceiling and squeeze your fingers behind its canine teeth. Place the dropper or syringe behind the canine teeth and squeeze the contents into the dog’s mouth. Praise your dog!

Peanut Paws

Another answer to the question “how to trick your dog into taking liquid medicine?” works wonders for most fur babies, as it doesn’t seem like medicine to your dog. Mix the medicine into your dog’s favorite brand of peanut butter (some dogs like all peanut butter, but you’ll find that some can be choosy!) Spread it onto a silicone mat and watch your dog enjoy the treat.

Canned Food

This method of hiding liquid medicine from dogs works wonders for some, but it doesn’t work with everyone. Food flavor choices that work best include duck and salmon combo, tuna, chicken casserole, and salmon.

Start with a small amount of food to make sure your dog eats it all. If the dog doesn’t eat it at that concentration, continue mixing in more food until you reach the “magic ratio.” If your dog doesn’t finish all of the food, it’s not getting a correct dose, so find a different method for next time.


If your dog likes bread, that’s an acceptable alternative to canned food. But be careful not to use breads that are toxic to dogs, such as raisin bread, garlic bread, any bread with xylitol (sugar alcohol), or bread with nuts and seeds.

Stay Calm

Your dog can sense your mood and emotions from speaking tone and body language. If you are uneasy, your dog will be too and less likely to respond as you want.

Now that you know how to trick your dog into taking liquid medicine, you’re prepared for any prescriptions your vet might give you. Click here to learn about the signs to take your pet to the vet.

For complete veterinary care, call Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic at (520) 889-9643 to schedule an appointment.

when to take your pet to the vet

When to Take Your Pet to the Vet: Top 7 Signs

Pets are a vital part of the family, but communicating with them can often be difficult. They may not be able to talk, but certain behaviors are cause for concern. For this reason, you want to be sure you can recognize the signs of distress and know when to take your pet to the vet.

If your pet begins to display any of these signs, have them come in for veterinary services in Tucson from Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic right away.

Different Eating Habits

While skipping a meal here and there isn’t usually an issue, not eating for two or more days is concerning. Often pets will do this if they have a mouth injury or are sick, or immediately following being spayed or neutered. When the opposite occurs, and your pet is unusually hungry, it may be a sign of a serious medical issue. Both are signs that your pet needs to see a vet as soon as possible.

Drinking More Water

Pets will often drink more water when the weather is warmer or activity increases. It becomes a problem if they drink excessively for several days without reasonable cause. This may be an indication of kidney disease or diabetes.

Strained Breathing

A notable sign of when to take your pet to the vet is labored breathing, fast panting, or shallow breaths. When this occurs in sync with sudden inactivity, weight loss, and coughing, it may signify a serious lung condition.


Like humans, pets will occasionally vomit to rid their bodies of something that didn’t agree with them. However, if they vomit blood for more than once in 12 hours, don’t wait too long before taking them to a vet. Vomiting that occurs along with diarrhea, lethargy, and a poor appetite can indicate dehydration or more serious conditions that require medical attention immediately.

Noticeable Eye Changes

A pet’s eyes can show signs of illness and should be seen by a vet if they remain dilated or constricted. Other indicators of when to take your pet to the vet are unusual discharge, drooping, or the third eyelid covering part of their eye.

Persistent Coughing

While an occasional cough is usually nothing to worry about, your pet will require medical attention if it continues for more than two days. There are various reasons they may be coughing, so testing would be needed to make a proper diagnosis. Common reasons your pet may be coughing include an infection, kennel cough, or something lodged in their throat.

Pet Shows Signs of Pain

One of the most apparent indicators that a pet needs to see a veterinarian is when they show signs of pain. These may include limping, flinching, yelping, crying, panting, hiding, and unwillingness to move. A vet can help narrow down the source of the pain and resolve the issue quickly.

Taking Your Pet to the Vet

Vet visits are often stressful for our pets and can lead to anxious behaviors. Here are tips when taking your dog to the vet compiled by our Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic team to make your visit as seamless as possible. Call us at 520.889.9643 today to make an appointment.

taking dog to vet

Tips When Taking Your Pet to the Vet for the First Time

Excited about bringing your new puppy or kitten to their forever home? Now that you’ve stocked up on food, toys, and other essentials, it’s time to make an appointment with the vet. 

Besides your family within the household, the vet will be the most important person in your pet’s life. After all, they’ll be keeping your furry friend healthy throughout their life and caring for them when they’re ill. Throughout this article, we will be discussing the following helpful tips for taking your pet to the vet for the first time.

Set Up a Vet Visit Right Away

Even if you purchased your pet with a certificate of good health from a shelter or breeder, it’s a good idea to get them checked out right away. Consider making an appointment with the vet within the first two weeks of bringing your puppy or kitten home. Your pet may be on a vaccination schedule or require specific medication to keep them healthy in their new environment. 

While you may not anticipate an emergency occurring within the first few days of bringing your pet home, you never know what can happen. Building a rapport with a veterinary clinic you can trust early offers peace of mind. Our Tucson, Arizona veterinarians provide the best care for pets at every stage of their life. 

Consider Investing in Pet Insurance

Pet insurance can help you save significantly on veterinary visits as most policies reimburse up to 80% after deductibles. In fact, insurance policies cover services like spaying and neutering, intestinal parasites, and flea and ticks prevention. Additionally, pet insurance protects against emergency vet bills. 

Preparing for Your First Veterinary Visit

Are you nervous about your pet’s first veterinary visit? Here are some easy tips you can follow to help things go smoothly and to get the most out of your visit:

  1. Don’t forget to bring your pup or kitten’s adoption papers from the breeders or the shelter. These papers let your vet know what vaccinations your pet has and which ones they still need. 
  2. Bring along a list of the medications and supplements your pet is taking and how often you’re giving them to them. 
  3. If you are a new pet parent, you might have a few questions you would like to ask the vet. Write them down beforehand and bring the list with you to the visit. 
  4. Pack a few treats to help keep your pet calm during the appointment.
  5. If your pet is small, you might want to consider bringing them in a carrier to protect them from potentially combative pets. Using a carrier will also help your pup or kitten feel safe in a new environment.

What Can You Expect from Your First Visit

Believe it or not, taking your pet to the vet for the first time is one of the most important visits you’ll have. During this visit, the vet will dig into your pup or kitten’s health history, go over their dietary needs, and they may even take blood work to uncover any hidden issues. The vet will also check for infections, heart murmurs, fleas, and ticks. You can reach out to us today to learn whether dogs need to be vaccinated for neutering.

Dog Teeth Problems

dog teeth problems

Much like humans, dogs can also develop oral diseases, including broken teeth and periodontal diseases. Dogs are five times more susceptible to dental problems than humans. In addition, the prevalence of periodontal diseases is at 80% among dogs over the age of 3.

The most common dental problem among dogs is bad breath. However, this is quite harmless when not accompanied by other serious dental diseases like periodontal disease. In the same line, cavities are also common among dogs and harmless when they are not a symptom of something serious.

This is because canines have an alkalizing mouth which promotes the buildup of plaques in their mouth. As bacteria multiply, their symptoms also do. As a result, it can lead to inflammation and tissue damage. This causes tooth loss and pain for your pup.

This article takes you through the various dog teeth problems often seen in your pet. Keep reading for signs, treatment, and prevention.

What is Dental Disease in Dogs?

Unlike humans, canines have little to no problems with tooth decay. But most dogs over three years old have dental disease. It comes in four stages, generally beginning with plaque and tartar in the mouth. This then leads to lightly inflamed gums, often called gingivitis.

If left untreated, they can progress into severe gum disease (periodontitis). And in due course, it may involve loss of bone and soft tissue around the affected teeth. In severe cases, it can affect other organs in your pet’s body and even organ failure.

Periodontal disease is one of the most common dental diseases seen in dogs. More than two-thirds of dogs aged three and older have the disease. Another common condition seen is fractured teeth. However, cavities are pretty rare and are present in only 10% of oral conditions.

When do Dogs Get Teeth Problems?

Dogs generally develop gingivitis at two years of age. However, it can get better with regular treatment. By the time they are three years of age, most dogs would have developed a dental disease. Gingivitis progresses to periodontal disease at about 4-6 years of age. When left untreated, it leads to bone loss.

Are Dental Problems Common in Dogs?

Dental disease is quite prevalent in canines. It is one of the most common ailments seen by vets. Unfortunately, only a few pets show outward signs of the disease. Therefore, it is up to the vet and the owner to spot this painful condition.

Of all dental diseases, periodontal disease is the most common infectious disease. It is a progressive, inflammatory disease that affects the supporting structures of the teeth. It is also the leading cause of early tooth loss in dogs.

Is the Dental Disease in Dogs Fatal?

Periodontal disease can cause more complications than just pain and loss of teeth. Untreated inflammation in pets can be a leading cause of liver, heart, and kidney diseases. In the end, they can untreated gum disease can destroy the bone so much so that even the slightest pressure can fracture your dog’s jaw.

Common Dog Teeth Problems

Dental complaints are the most common health problem for dogs. One of the most common issues is bad breath. Bad breath though harmless, does show signs of bad dental health. On the other hand, Cavities are uncommon and periodontal, or gum disease in canines is not.

Periodontal disease is one of the most commonly encountered health problems in dogs. The condition affects about 80% of pets by the age of three.

Teeth issues can harm the overall health and dog’s quality of life of your dog.

Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Plaque is an adhesive film on the inside of the tooth. It is a whitish substance consisting mainly of bacteria. The plaque creates a foul smell that increases with time unless you brush. When left unattended, they cause tooth decay and gum disease.

If not brushed within 24 – 48 hours, the plaque thickens into a hard substance called tartar. Also called calculus, tartar is a yellow or brown-colored substance that stays affixed to the teeth. At this point, they are not removed by brushing and will need to be scraped with a hard object. Once it reaches the gum line, it can irritate, leading to gum disease.

The primary signs dog owners will notice are poor quality breath, stained teeth, and red gum line. As it progresses, you may also find worsening breath and bleeding gums. Other contributing factors for gum disease are age, diet, breed, and genetics.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a painful bacterial infection that affects the liver, heart, and kidneys when left untreated. As the name indicates, it affects the gums and the bones that surround the teeth. The dental disease is generally silent—there aren’t many apparent early signs and symptoms. However, once it advances, it causes untold pain for your dog, missing teeth, bone loss, swollen gums, and more.

Gingivitis/Gum Disease

vet brushing dog teeth

Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease. The gums are inflamed due to the bacterial plaque, but the infection hasn’t reached the bones and ligaments. So in truth, the tartar that you see isn’t the reason for the infection.

When the hard tartar digs into the gums and gets under the gum line, it starts a vicious cycle of infection. The bacteria get trapped, which causes damage to the supporting tissues and the surrounding bone structure.

The inflamed gums become red or purple and swollen, bleeding on contact. Gingivitis at this stage is reversible. It is treated via a professional dental cleaning (under anesthesia). Following that, pet owners should follow proper oral hygiene, such as daily tooth brushing and dental cleaning.


In the case of periodontitis, the infection is much more severe and affects the gum tissue, bones, and ligaments. As the vital supports of the teeth diminish, pockets develop around the roots of the teeth. This allows food, bacteria, and other debris to collect, causing infections.

The bacterial buildup in these pockets secretes a toxic substance causing further damage to the tissue. The resulting inflammation triggers the dog’s immune system, bringing in the white blood cells to fight the bacteria. However, in the process, the surrounding tissues and bones are also damaged. Over time teeth loosen and begin falling from the mouth.

Dentists treat periodontitis with a professional cleaning and regular treatment. In severe cases, your pet may require oral surgery to reach the root surface.

Tooth Root Abscess

In severe cases of periodontal disease, the bacteria reaches deep into the roots of the teeth. And then, it starts destroying the root depriving the tooth of its blood supply resulting in tissue destruction. This stimulates a response from the immune system, which floods the area with white blood cells (pus or abscess). At this stage, your pet would require a surgical intervention. The abscess affects the molars and presents itself as a swelling under the eye.

However, the tooth root abscess may also be linked to mouth trauma when dogs chew hard objects and injure their mouths. In addition, the infection causes the swelling and facial deformity, which can be pretty painful.

Tooth Fractures

Tooth fractures are common among dogs that are constant chewers. They happen when the dog chews on hard objects such as hard nylon chews, bones, antlers, and pig hooves. Your pet pooch should not chew on anything that doesn’t have a bit of a give.

The size of the chew also contributes to fractured teeth. A large chew toy will make the gum and tooth flex to an angle so that one side of the tooth is split. It is called slab fracture. Tooth fractures should be treated to save the tooth. If the pulp is exposed, root canal treatments and tooth extractions are the only options.

Retained Baby Teeth

All puppies have baby teeth which then fall out, making space for adult teeth. The adult teeth come in by the age of 6 months. In some cases, the puppies retain the baby teeth leading to overcrowding. Unfortunately, there is no way to treat retained baby teeth. However, dentists can remove them under anesthesia.

What are the Signs of Dental Problems in Dogs?

The signs of dental diseases in dogs are quite underrated. These cause your pooch untold pain and discomfort. Though these symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for older dogs, pet owners can see marked changes like:

  • Bad breath
  • Discolored teeth
  • Plaque and tartar buildup
  • Bleeding gums
  • Swollen gums
  • Loss of interest in chew toys
  • Loss of appetite or difficulty eating
  • Increased drooling
  • Missing teeth
  • Fatigue
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Sneezing and nasal discharge (due to periodontitis in upper canine teeth)

Dog Breeds with Bad Teeth

Few dogs, especially the smaller ones, present a greater risk of developing periodontal diseases. However, as a pet parent, you need to be diligent with these breeds.

  • Pug face dental problems like plaque and periodontal disease as a result of the short-muzzled bone structure. They also suffer from overcrowding of teeth.
  • Chihuahua has a small mouth to host all 42 teeth. This makes them susceptible to periodontal disease.
  • Yorkies often have retained baby teeth.
  • Boxers and large breeds such as Great Danes and bulldogs suffer from gingival hyperplasia 0r thickening of gums.
  • Collie suffers from an overbite, soft tissue trauma, and tooth-on-tooth wear.
  • Dachshunds have a narrow muzzle hence making them susceptible to periodontal disease.

Why do Small Dogs have Teeth Problems?

Small breed dogs such as Chihuahuas, Pugs, and Yorkies are susceptible to dental disease. The consensus is the small heads which lead to overcrowding. There is not much space between the teeth, presenting more space for food particles to collect bacteria.

They also retain their baby teeth which again is a reason for overcrowding. In addition, other breeds such as pugs and Boston terriers have bite problems.

How do I Prevent Dental Disease in Dogs?

The most common risk factor for periodontal diseases in dogs is inadequate oral hygiene. The key to managing periodontal diseases is prevention. As long as their teeth remain clean, they will not harbor bacteria, and the gums will also stay healthy.

Dogs Do Not Show Signs of Teeth Pain

veterinarian examining dog teeth problem

Less than 5% of dogs show outward pain in their teeth as a result of periodontal disease. This is because their animal instinct doesn’t allow them to show any pain. As a result, they have evolved to hide even the chronic pain.

Even with bleeding gum and cracked teeth, your pet would prefer to wag his tail rather than show you that he is sick. He will be the happy dog you know.

Examine Your Dog’s teeth daily

You’re unlikely to diagnose serious oral problems in a dog’s mouth. However, there are things worth looking for between all these vet cleanings. Look out for broken teeth, discolored teeth, and loose teeth. Other signs to look out for include:

  • Blood on chew toys or water bowl
  • Bad breath(within 1-2 months of cleaning)
  • Swelling in or around the dog’s mouth
  • Increased resistance to brushing

Know the Signs of Dental Diseases in Dogs

Stay vigilant for broken or discolorated teeth as well as if the teeth are turned. Too often, breeders, even vets, are looking at the signs that the pet is old. Unfortunately, all these signs of mouth cavities go wrong all too often. There are plenty of things that can happen in your dog’s mouth — but most of it can go unnoticed.

Keep an Eye on Their Oral Health

Taking care of your pet’s oral health is akin to taking care of your own. Here are some simple steps you can follow to ensure optimum health,

  • Pet owners should do annual oral examinations, dental x-rays and dental cleaning every year under general anesthesia.
  • Daily tooth brushing is the key to a healthy mouth. A pet toothpaste and pet toothbrush with a little bit of patience can help keep your pet healthy and happy.
  • Give your pet safe chew toys to keep its mouth in top form. It helps slow down the progression of periodontal disease. For example, give them hard and rubber toys or thin rawhide bones.
  • Feed your pet healthy foods suitable for his dietary needs. This includes food with additives to prevent plaque and dried food to scrub their teeth.


Veterinary dentistry is always available to help your dog with his periodontal disease. However, keep in mind that it is already advanced by the time you notice any signs of periodontal disease. So, the best treatment option is prevention.

vet examines dog teeth

Daily tooth brushing is much more than clean teeth. It is the difference between a bundle of joy and a sick dog. It is also worth providing them with lots of opportunities to chew. And always feed your dog a proper diet. Finally, be sure you see your doctor during the day for regular checks. If you suspect gum damage talk to a vet first – brushing is sometimes ineffective.

If your dog is showing signs of periodontal disease, contact a vet. They will examine the nature of the disease and suggest a treatment plan.

In Tucson, Santa Cruz Pet Clinic is a world-renowned and trusted veterinarian that you desire for keeping up with your pet’s vaccinations at the proper time to ensure its health. Contact us today to schedule your pet’s vaccinations and check-ups.

How to Treat Roundworms in Cats

Roundworms in Cats

Most people associate roundworms with dogs, but cats can also get this harmful parasite. Did you know that roundworms are extremely common parasitic worms found inside cats, dogs, and other animals? They can be a significant cause of illness, even death in kittens. Most cats become infected with them at some time in their life, generally as kittens.

Infection can be spread through direct contact or ingestion. Cats can get roundworms from contact with an animal carrying the worm.

This article will discuss everything you need to know about roundworms in cats. Keep reading to know more about clinical signs, treatment options, and prevention methods!

Roundworms in Cats

Roundworms are the most common internal parasites found inside a cat. The two species that infect cats are Toxocara Cati and Toxascara Leonina. Of these, the Toxocara Cati can cause health problems in human beings. In the case of dogs, it is Toxocara Canis that causes a parasitic infection. Toxocara Canis (dogs) and Toxocara Cati (cats) can also infect people.

As the name indicates, they are round, white to light brown, and up to 4 inches long, much like spaghetti noodles. They are intestinal parasites found in all animals. Adult worms live in your pet’s intestines and feed off the nutrient in their diet.

Roundworms can be contracted in many ways, making them easy to spread and hard to control. Cats contract with roundworms often through contact with another animal carrying the worm. The worms are often found in soil. Your cat (or dog) can contract roundworms while playing or eating grass.

How Contagious Are Roundworms?

Yes! Roundworms are contagious. If your cat comes into contact with another animal with roundworms, it can also get the same. They are also present in cats’ feces and can remain infective for months. And when a cat or a dog comes into contact with the feces, they can get infected.

What’s the Prognosis for Cats Diagnosed with Roundworms?

The prognosis for cats with roundworm infection is pretty good. However, it’s essential to treat the roundworm early on before your cat becomes ill or dies.

If your cat has roundworms, take them to see their vet as soon as you can! Cats are very good at hiding illness until they become pretty sick. And by then, it may be too late for treatment to be effective.

Types of Roundworms

There are various types of roundworms that cause infections in cats. Though they look and behave in a similar manner, they have different life cycles.

  • Toxocara Cati is generally seen in kittens. It is transmitted from an infected mother to the baby via mother’s milk. However, the roundworm can also be a result of ingesting eggs. Generally, animals such as rodents, beetles, or earthworms act as carriers of the parasitic worm. The eggs then hatch into roundworm larvae in the digestive system of the cat.
  • Toxascara Leonina is quite less common and is seen in older cats and dogs. It has a pretty straightforward life cycle than the Toxocara Cati. The eggs of this type are found in the cat (or dog)feces. And when ingested, they hatch into adult roundworms in the digestive system.
  • Toxocara Canis is the most common type of roundworm seen in dogs. They can grow up to 7 inches long and can be transmitted to humans too. When the infective eggs are ingested, the resulting larvae can invade the gut wall and migrate. The migrating larvae can invade the body tissues where it encysts if the dog is older than five weeks of age.

How Do Cats Get Roundworms?

Roundworm Eggs Under Microscope

The most common way cats contract roundworms is by ingesting the eggs. This can happen when they play with contaminated soil and grass, or if they come into contact with rodents carrying the roundworm larvae.

A milk-borne infection is the primary mode of roundworm transmission in kittens. Immature worms called larvae are present in the mammary glands of an infected mother. Later on, it passes on to the kittens via her milk.

Both cats and kittens can get roundworms through an accidental host. An accidental host can be any animal where the roundworm eggs can be found. In most cases, the host stays unaffected. Instead, the eggs are transported to the cat through the feces. It can happen when your pet eats the tissue of an affected animal, thereby completing the life cycle.

When the cat (or dog) eats the host, the eggs hatch in the gastrointestinal tract. And the larvae migrate to various organs such as the liver and lungs through the tissue. They then return to the intestines to lay eggs that pass out through the cat’s (or dog’s) stool.

There is no direct contact between cats and roundworms. However, the infection can be contracted by ingesting feces, contaminated soil, or another animal.

Clinical Signs of Roundworm Infection in Cats

Adult roundworms live in the affected cat’s intestines. They show clinical signs of roundworm in various ways. Some may not show any sign at all and can be asymptomatic carriers for a long time. They pass out the eggs through their stool every once in a while.

But, others who have heavy infections may become ill and show the following symptoms:

Clinical Signs of Roundworms in Cats
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Inability to Gain Weight / Weight Loss 
  • Decreased Energy 
  • Lethargy 
  • Dehydration 
  • Dull Hair Coat
  • Potbellied Appearance
  • Anemia 
  • Adult Worms in Stool or Vomit

The most common sign is the flat segments with tapering ends and grain-like appearance in the stool of infected pets. These are the larvae of parasitic roundworms, which are passed out along with the feces.

Some cats may also show signs of coughing due to pneumonia caused by the larvae. These larvae push into the respiratory system, causing breathing difficulty.

Treatment for Roundworm Infections

Roundworms are pretty easy to treat. Start by giving your cat a deworming medication regularly every month or two.

The medications work only on adult roundworms and not on larvae or eggs. Hence they need to be repeated every 2-3 weeks for it to be effective. The treatment goes on until to treat the residual roundworms as they mature. The number of treatments depends on the situation and the age of the cat.

The companion animal parasite council recommends deworming a kitten every two weeks of age until four months. Pregnant dogs should also be dewormed in late pregnancy or after six weeks of pregnancy. This will help reduce the chances of it passing to the puppies. On the other hand, Puppies should be dewormed starting at two weeks of age and repeated as long as the pet needs.

You can give this as part of routine care, even if you do not see signs anymore – it will keep them away for sure! Roundworms can cause serious health problems in cats – even death! Therefore, it is vital to get your cat treated for roundworms as soon as possible.

Roundworm Prevention for Dogs and Cats

Treatment and prevention is by far the best way to control roundworms.

One way to prevent roundworms is to give your pet medication every month for two weeks. They need the medication until they are four months old. This medicine will protect your kitten from roundworms and other worms such as hookworms and tapeworms.

Here are a few steps you should follow to prevent roundworm infections:

  • First, keep your cat indoors, as it will limit exposure to a variety of animals.
  • Keep cats and dogs away from areas with a high rodent population.
  • Maintain a clean yard free of cat feces. The presence of feces can attract rodents carrying roundworm eggs onto your property.
  • Clean up your dog’s feces immediately. Use gloves to avoid contact with fecal matter.
  • Do not feed your cat raw meat as this may increase the risk of roundworms.
  • Once you have a kitten, make sure to keep it indoors until it is at least four months old.
  • Take your cat to the vet for regular checkups.
  • Wash hands after handling pets that might carry roundworm eggs on their fur (kittens).
  • Ensure your cat’s vaccinations are up to date.
  • Maintain your cat’s living area clean and free from feces.
  • Keep the cat’s litter box away from children and other pets.

How Long Does It Take to Kill Roundworms in Cats?

The medications take as long as three days to destroy the roundworms in the body. However, the medicine works on adult roundworms and not the larvae. Therefore, you may have to repeat the treatment until the eggs are hatched, and the larvae are killed.

Is It Normal for Roundworms to Come Out After Deworming?

Yes! It is pretty common to see live and dead roundworms in the stool of your cat (or dog) after deworming. While it is unpleasant, it means that your pets no longer carry roundworms.

The roundworms in the stool will look like small and long pieces of spaghetti (or rice). If you see them, then it means that your pet still has roundworms.

You need to deworm again after a week if this happens even though there is no sign of roundworms! And make sure to give regular deworming treatment every month.

What if My Cat Vomits Worms?

If you see roundworms in the vomit, this is a sign that they have a severe infection. You will need to get them checked by their vet immediately and dewormed!

It also means that other organs like the liver or lungs are also infected (or damaged). In addition, the larvae often result in vomiting up of the roundworms.

When this happens, consult veterinary professionals as they may suggest tests and treatment. They will also be able to recommend an effective deworming medication for use at home!

Can I Deworm My Cat Myself?

You cannot deworm your cat by yourself since you may not know which medicines to use. Also, if it is a kitten, you need an adult who can hold the animal during treatment!

You should consult with a vet or take them along when giving their deworming medication. If you want to deworm your cat at home, make sure that the treatment is safe for kittens (if this applies) and gentle on their stomachs.


Kitten Receiving Deworming Treatment

Roundworms are nasty parasites that can make your cat feel pretty bad. If you notice your kitten has been dragging its butt or looking like it’s got the flu, roundworms could be to blame.

You need to get treatment before it gets worse and causes serious problems! Cats contract roundworms often through contact with another animal carrying the worm.

The prognosis for cats with roundworm infection is pretty good (most will recover without any complications). However, you need to treat the infection early on before your cat becomes ill or dies. The most common way cats contract roundworms are by ingesting the eggs when they come into contact with rodents.

With such an easy way for cats to contract these worms, we need all pet owners to be vigilant about prevention measures. Keep your pets indoors and away from areas that rodents might congregate.

In Tucson, Santa Cruz Pet Clinic is a world-renowned and trusted veterinarian that you will want for keeping up with your pet’s vaccinations at the proper time, deworming, and other services to ensure its health. Contact us today to schedule your pet’s vaccinations and check-ups.

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