Phone: 520.889.9643 | Fax: 520.889.9023
By Appointment Only

NOTE: We are NOT taking ferals on the following dates for the month of October: 10/2, 10/9, 10/14, 10/16, and 10/30. ( Drop-off time for feral cats is between 9-11 am only.)

Feral or Community Cats are terms used to describe outdoor, unowned, free-roaming cats. These are cats that qualify for the program. Please see the bottom of this page for more information.

Starting in 2024 all dog spay/neuter surgeries will be required to go home with an e-collar (cone) for $15.

misconceptions of spaying and neutering

5 Misconceptions of Spaying and Neutering That Need to Be Cleared Up

If you own a pet, there’s a good chance you’ve either considered or heard about neutering as an option. While these procedures have many benefits, some pet owners have concerns about potential complications or downsides. These misconceptions of spaying and neutering require discussion, so this article will cover some of the most common negative beliefs and explain the truth of the matter.

Misconception: Animals Must Be Older to be Spayed or Neutered

Many pet owners believe that their animals must be fully grown before considering spaying or neutering. However, both cats and dogs mature much faster than people and become capable of bearing children within the first six months of life. Therefore, spaying or neutering pets while young is a wise decision for new pet owners. Our website is a great place to learn the appropriate age to spay dogs.

Misconception: It’s Too Expensive

While many pet owners are reluctant to pursue spaying or neutering their pets due to budget concerns, the process is far more affordable than you may think. Additionally, because these procedures benefit the entire community, lower-cost or even free clinics provide these services in many communities. Finally, it’s essential to consider the cost of caring for a litter of kittens or puppies, which can be expensive even if it’s for a short time.

Misconception: The Surgery Is Dangerous

We know you care about your animals and would never want to risk your pet’s health. Unfortunately, many pet owners struggle with whether or not to neuter their pets due to the inherent risk of any surgical procedure. However, modern vets conduct these procedures daily, and the medical evidence proves that the operations for neutering male animals as well as to spay females are both extremely safe. 

Misconception: My Pet’s Personality Will Change

Every pet has a distinct personality, and the fear of them changing may be what’s causing you to choose not to neuter your pets. Fortunately, these procedures will not impact the personality of your pet whatsoever. While reducing sex hormones may minimize aggression or territorialism, your pet will be the same sweet animal you have always known after the procedure.

Misconception: Spaying or Neutering Can Cause Weight Gain

Another common misconception of spaying or neutering your pets is that the procedures can cause weight gain. However, this belief is unfounded, as spaying or neutering should have no impact on your animal’s weight. While your pet may gain some weight during the recovery due to a lack of exercise, a well-regulated diet and regular exercise will have them back to normal in no time.

Get Started

Now that you’ve heard some of the misconceptions of spaying and neutering and how they can mislead pet owners, it’s time to turn your knowledge into action. At Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic, we are proud to provide expert spaying and neutering to the pets of Tucson, AZ. Our expert staff can help you understand the process and learn more about dog neutering, so never hesitate to call Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic at 520-889-9643.

Does My Dog Need Vaccinations Before Being Neutered?

Neutering DogOwning a pet comes with responsibilities. And vaccination and spaying/neutering are the first and foremost of them.

While both of them are not mandatory, they are crucial for the well-being of your pet. Vaccination helps prevent harmful diseases, while spaying is important for unwanted pregnancy prevention.

Our article brings you everything you need to know about neutering, from the appointment to surgery and its care, instructions, vaccinations, and more.

Do Pets Need Shots Before Being Neutered?

Getting your pets inoculated is a personal choice. However, local and state laws may make a few shots like rabies mandatory for all animals.

This remains the same for neutering, too; Though it is up to you to get your pet vaccinated, vets often prefer the vaccinations to be completed before neutering.

Clinics are often skeptical to neuter unvaccinated pets due to the high chance of infection resulting from the surgery’s side effect. Vaccinated animals are generally protected against diseases such as parvovirus.

Timeframe Between Vaccinations and Spaying

Not only do vets require vaccinations before the spay, but also a full three-four weeks before your pet’s surgery.

While this is the norm, it may change depending on the spay-neuter clinic and your pet’s age.

An inexpensive veterinary clinic may choose to accept an animal that is not vaccinated or choose to vaccinate them the same day as the surgery.

Can You Vaccinate and Spay at the Same Time?

It is not advisable to vaccinate a pet at the time of surgery or during times of illness. Vaccines stress the immune system, so does your pet’s surgery. And your pet needs a fully functioning immune system to prevent any infection.

Shots Before Spaying & Neutering

It is safer for the pets to have completed their initial set of vaccines before the surgery. Unvaccinated pets run the risk of contracting illnesses from other animals in the veterinary clinic and also have a higher chance of infection after the surgery.

Shots Before Spaying & NeuteringHere are the mandatory shots that a pet requires before a spay-neuter surgery.


  • Rabies
  • DAPPv


  • Rabies

How Do I Prepare My Pet for Neutering?

Neutered pet is generally less aggressive, better behaved, and also have reduced chances of diseases like testicular or ovarian cancer.

Here are a few things you may want to do to get your pet ready ahead of the appointment.

  • Take your pet for a checkup which might be a physical examination or pre-operative blood panel. This helps to identify any health conditions that can make the procedure risky or may require attention.
  • Dogs must arrive on a leash, and cats must be in their carrier. Ensure that they are trained to stay in for extended periods of time.
  • Pets must be vaccinated at least a week prior to surgery.
  • Be prepared according to the pre and post-surgery instructions given by the veterinarian.

Pre-Surgery Instructions for Pets

Familiarize yourself with the instructions prior to your pet’s surgery for smooth sailing.

The Night Before Surgery:

  • Keep your pet indoors the night before surgery.
  • Provide your cat with a litter tray.
  • Please maintain a regular feeding schedule until the a.m.

The Morning of Surgery:

  • Make sure that they are clean and dry.
  • Please allow the patients to relieve in the a.m.
  • Four months or younger patients can eat half the amount of their regular diet.
  • If your pet is five months and older, give a quarter of their regular food on the morning of surgery.
  • Please allow them to have water up until the surgery.
  • When arriving for surgery, please bring your pet in a crate or carrier.
  • Arrive 10-15 minutes before your appointment time.

Pre-Anesthetic BloodworkPre-Anesthetic Bloodwork

Vets generally recommend pre-anesthetic bloodwork for pets undergoing sedation or anesthesia. This bloodwork allows your vet to assess your pet’s overall health, checking for liver and kidney problems, etc., thus ensuring that your pet is a good candidate for anesthesia.

Please read this article for more information on the various types of pre-surgical blood tests that are available and what the benefits are for administering them to your pet.

Best Age to Neuter Dogs and Cats

The ideal age to neuter dogs and cats are as follows:

  • Male dog: five to nine months
  • Female dog: six months before their first heat cycle
  • Male cat: four to five months
  • Female cat: four to five months

While the above is a general consensus among vets, it may change depending on the animal’s age and breed and the spay-neuter clinic. Few clinics pets as long as they are eight weeks of age and weigh 2 pounds, mainly in the case of shelter animals.

Post Surgery Care for Pets

Spaying and neutering are major surgeries. Your pet needs to be cared for to prevent infections.

Ensure that you follow the surgery instructions as per the vet:

  • Limit the pet’s activity for 7-10 days to allow for recovery. Place him/her in a carrier big enough for them to stand up.
  • Feed them half the amount of their regular food when you bring them home and an additional meal later on.
  • Look out for lethargy, diarrhea, or vomiting for more than 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Keep the incision dry, and do not bathe them for ten days.
  • Use a cone to prevent them from licking or chewing the incision.


Arrive a few minutes ahead of your appointment to have a stress-free environment for yourself and the animal. Please note that you must follow the pre-op and post-op surgery instructions as mentioned by the veterinarian for the safety of the pet.

Discuss the instructions with your vet, whether it is the next day or the night of the surgery. Few vets prefer 24 hours observation for the animal. Be prepared to provide your pet with physical and emotional support to help him/her recover quickly.

Contact Santa Cruz Vet to Schedule Neutering Surgery & VaccinationYour pet’s health is important. In Tucson, Santa Cruz Pet Clinic is the trusted veterinarian that you desire for getting your pet the proper vaccinations at the proper time. Contact us today to schedule your pet’s vaccinations and spay-neuter surgery.

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At What Age Should a Cat Be Spayed?

At what age should a cat be spayed?Cats are furry little creatures that bring warmth and joy to the heart. For some people, the more, the merrier. For those, having just one to call their own is sufficient. But, regardless of your preference for quantity, cats are animals, and they breed. If you’re someone who wants to enjoy the company of your cat only, look out for unwanted pregnancies.

It can happen at any time, while out on a simple walk or even while taking your cat to visit a friend. Aside from the contraceptive benefits offered by the spaying process. It also provides some direct health benefits, which is something to consider.

Spaying can protect cats from developing certain types of cancers later in life. But, it can also expose them to the early development of certain conditions when done improperly. So, you need to follow the proper procedure related to spaying your at.

There are several factors to consider before spaying a cat. You need to consider these variables to avoid any accidents during the process. Age is one of the most critical variables to consider, amongst other things. You should always take your cat to a professional veterinarian clinic like Santa Cruz Pet Clinic.

Doing so protects you from dealing with any potentially fatal side effects of the procedure.

To learn more, continue reading.

What is the right age to spay a cat, according to Santa Cruz Pet Clinic?

Before we get into the right age to spay a cat. It’s essential to know the entire reason behind doing so. Spaying your cat aids in reducing the number of homeless pets on the streets. So, in essence, spaying is a form of birth control. Spayed cats also exhibit different behaviors after the treatment.

In terms of overall benefits, spaying has been proven to extend the lifespan of cats. You also won’t have to worry about your cat going into heat. The cost of caring for a kitten or a litter is way higher than the cost of spaying. Which is another main benefit of the procedure.

For most kittens, you should spay them at eight weeks old. Doing so provides a safeguard against any potential problems that could arise during the process. But, keep in mind cats can be spayed at older ages too.

When spaying older cats, you should always get them inspected before doing so. This will protect your cat from developing any potential medical problems as a result of the procedure.

Once the spaying process is complete, you need to care for your feline correctly.

Caring for your cat after the spaying process

After being spayed, your cat will likely experience several mood swings and behavior changes.

To help them deal with these life changes, you need to set out a few precautions to ensure they remain comfortable during the process.

There are several things you can do to ensure the safe recovery of your cat after spaying.

Here are some steps you can use to ensure your cat remains comfortable after being spayed:

  • Create a quiet area in your home for your cat to recover
  • inspect the incision area daily to check for any potential infections
  • Try to stop your pet from licking their incision
  • Reduce the physical activity of your cat for at least two weeks after surgery
  • Don’t bathe your cat for at least 10 days after spaying

These are all things that will enable you to ensure your cat recovers fully and comfortably. They will also help safeguard your cat from developing infections near the incision area.

People Also Ask

Q: What is the best age to spay a cat?
A: you should spay a cat only after they’ve successfully taken all of their primary vaccinations. The age at which this occurs is typically about four months old. This age also increases the odds of reducing unwanted pregnancy.

Q: Is a cat too old to be spayed?
A: contrary to popular belief, the answer is no. Cats of all ages can be spayed with the correct preparation.

Q: Why should you not spay your cat?
A: spaying does carry potentially fatal side effects. It can trigger various cancers and other illnesses in your feline. To avoid issues, always get a proper veterinarian check-up before spaying.

Understanding at what age should a cat be spayed

By following these tips, you can save your cat tons of stress and medical issues. There are several benefits to spaying you should explore. Talk with your veterinarian to see the best options for your cat. For more information please contact Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic today.

Why Should You Spay Your Dog?

Why should you spay your dogTLDR: spaying your dog early on reduces the odds of them de eloping uterine diseases. A reduction in breast tumors also occurs after spaying. Spaying is a process that removes the female reproductive organs. Doing so removes the odds of you having to care for accidental offspring. Spaying only takes a few hours, and you can often get your dog back the same day.

You should worry about keeping their reproductive organs under control for those who own a female dog or cat. Failing to solve your dog or cat’s sexual organ issues, you can expose them to various diseases. In addition to disease exposure, your cat or dog will also suffer from possible accidental pregnancy. For female cats and dogs, the surgery used to remove their sexual organs is called spaying.

Benefits of spaying your dog

Spaying your dog reduces the odds of them developing uterine cancer. It also reduces the chances of breast tumor development. These are just some of the primary benefits of spaying your dog. To achieve optimal birth control, following the recommended advice for spaying your dog.

Below, we will provide you with a detailed view of why you should spay your dog and do so the right way.

Why should you spay your dog?

Spaying your dog before her first heat is the best way to avoid all of the conditions mentioned above. Spaying promotes a healthier life for your female dog all around. Spaying eliminates your dog’s cycle, so they don’t go into heat around random males. Spaying your dog maintains strict control over their behavior, ensuring they don’t roam.
Spaying saves you the money you’d otherwise spend caring for your dog’s offspring. Spaying your dog has no significant impact on weight gain or loss, so there is nothing to worry about. While some dogs can be spayed as early as 4 months, the average age is about 6-9 months.

Once you decide to proceed with the spaying procedure, your veterinarian will give you pre-surgical tips on making the process go as smoothly as possible. While the spaying process is fairly painless, proper after-care is important.
The spaying process itself only takes a few hours. But, some veterinarians may want to keep your dog overnight. Regardless of when you pick your dog up, you’ll need to ensure they receive proper after-care.

Caring for your dog after spaying

Here are some basic after-care tips everyone should follow when getting their dog spayed:

⦁ Create a comfortable and quiet space for your dog to recover
⦁ Check on the site of the surgical incision to ensure adequate healing is occurring
⦁ Do not bathe your dog for at least 10 days after surgery
⦁ Try to prevent your dog from licking the incision site

Following all of these after-care tips, you can expect a speedy and full recovery from your dog. At the sight of any redness or swelling at the surgery site, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

People Also Ask

Q: Why you should not spay your dog?
A: you shouldn’t spay your dog before 1 year to avoid bone cancer development.

Q: Do female dogs change after being spayed?
A: yes, female dogs become less aggressive after spaying. Their behavior patterns also become more consistent.

Q: What is the best age to spay a dog?
A: as per general guidelines, it’s acceptable to spay most dogs between 4 and 6 months.

Understanding why should you spay your dog

We’ve covered all of the critical facts and information you need to know about spaying your dog. Use this article to ensure your dog has a successful spaying procedure with optimal recovery. For more information on getting your dog spayed contact Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic today.

How Do I Comfort My Dog after Being Spayed?

How do i comfort my dog after being spayedTLDR: to help your dog recover as comfortable as possible after being spayed, you need to do a few key things. Make sure you have enough food and water for your dog so that they will be able to replenish their vital nutrients and fluids. You also want to make sure that your dog has a quiet place that is free of any small children or other pets so that they can recover uninterrupted.

Whether you have a female or male dog, spaying them is a process by which their reproductive organs are removed permanently. The spaying process will always occur when your dog is under some anesthesia medication; consequently, the odds of feeling pain while the surgery is happening are very low.

However, that doesn’t exempt them from feeling pain after the treatment process is complete. You need to be aware of several things as it relates to the aftercare involved with dealing with a dog after spaying is complete. Depending on the particular process used to spay your dog, they may need to have some stitches removed.

Let’s break down how you can comfort your dog after being spayed

To ensure you take care of your dog correctly after being spayed, continue reading to find out all the critical facts you need.
How do I comfort my dog after being spayed

One of the best ways to make your dog’s recovery process go smoothly is by ensuring they have a quiet place to recover in. It would be best if you also made sure that no distractions are interfering with your dog’s recovery process.

There are some essential tools you’ll need to make the entire recovery process streamlined, take a look below to see what they are.

Essential tools you need to help your dog recover after being spayed:

⦁ Dog kennel
⦁ Blanket or towel
⦁ Quiet space
⦁ Dog bed
⦁ E-collar
⦁ Food and water
⦁ Garbage bags or puppy pads

All of these tools will be used during the recovery process to help your dog deal with whatever lingering pain they may be experiencing. If you know that your dog has a favorite toy, try comforting them by bringing it around during the recovery process.
Remember, what your dog needs most during the recovery process is to heal without any interruptions. All of the tools listed above are simply additions which will make that process much easier.

Helping your dog through the recovery process after being spayed

Consider using an inflatable cone collar on your dog during their recovery process as it will decrease the odds of them injuring themselves accidentally by making the wrong move. When handling your dog, make sure you use soft gestures and try to move as slowly as possible; this will ease their emotions and bring them into a peaceful state of mind.

As long as you have enough food and water for them to consume, you shouldn’t face too many problems recovering after spaying.

Q: How do I make my dog comfortable after being spayed?
A: make sure your dog has a nice and quiet place to rest after the spaying process. Try to maintain room temperature during your dog’s recovery process and keep away small children or other pets until the recovery process is complete.

Q: What can I give my dog for pain after being spayed?
A: some of the best medications you can give your dog after being spayed include: Rimadyl & Torbugesic. You should only follow the official rules and guidelines outlined by your veterinary specialist when it comes to giving your dog pain medication for the spaying process.

Q: How long does it take for a dog to recover from being spayed?
A: on average, it takes about 14 days in total for dogs to heal after the spaying process. In some instances, it can take longer depending on if your dog has any pre-existing medical conditions.

How do I comfort my dog after being spayed?

Using all of the tips and information in this article will help you make the spay recovery process soothe and calm for your dog. Make sure you have all of the prerequisites in line before your dog arriving back home after surgery, so you don’t disturb their recovery process. For any spaying services contact Santa Cruz Pet Clinic today.

What Age Should a Dog Be Spayed?

The best age to get your dog spayed is about four to six months.TLDR: spaying your female dog will remove her uterus and ovaries, resulting in her inability to have any new babies. Dog owners commonly get their dogs spayed to avoid unexpected pregnancy while also neutralizing their behavior overall. The best age to get your female dog spayed is about four to six months. By spaying your dog at an early age, you will significantly reduce the odds of breast cancer development.

Dogs are a man’s best friend, that’s the most common sentiment that you will find when asking many pet owners how they feel about their dogs. While this may be true, there are certain instances where your dog may become a burden, that you no longer want to deal with. One of the most common problems that dog owners experience is that of unwanted pregnancy.

Dealing with female dogs

If you own a female dog, the responsibility of taking care of the puppies will likely fall on you since your dog will be the one carrying the newborns. For those dog owners that don’t want to deal with a situation like this, the best solution is to have your female dog spayed.

Spaying your female dog will remove her uterus and ovaries, rendering her incapable of having babies even in the event of sporadic intercourse. Before spaying your dog, you need to take into consideration several factors.

To ensure that you get optimal results from the spaying procedure, continue reading to find out everything you need to know.

At what age should a dog be spayed?

In general, the best age to spay your female dog is about six months of age. At this stage in their development, all of their organs have fully developed, so you won’t have to worry about encountering any medical issues once the procedure is complete. You can also spay your female dog at four months of age, as this will reduce her exposure to developing breast cancer quite significantly.

If you have an adult female dog, you can spay her at any time because there are no developing organs or other hormonal systems that can become impacted by the surgery. When you decide to spay your dog, it’s important to note that you may not get her back the same day as the procedure.

Some veterinarians will keep your dog overnight to ensure they have enough time to recover properly. Your dog’s blood work may also be required before surgery, which is something to keep in mind. It’s also recommended that your dog not eat 8 hours before their operation to avoid any complications.


After the spaying procedure is complete, you’ll want to take a few after-care measures to ensure your dog recovers as fast as possible. It’s normal for dogs to cough after being spayed due to the anesthesia; pain medication may also be prescribed for pain management reasons. Only remove the stitches your dog has for at least 7-10 days after the surgery has been complete.

It’s common for your dog to feel nauseous for the first 1-2 days after surgery. Consistent moving and high activity levels can cause your dog’s recovery process to become inhibited, that’s why you should avoid letting them engage in any strenuous activity for about a week after the procedure is complete.

People Also Ask

Q: What happens if you spay a dog too early?
A: If you spay your dog too early, you run the risk of exposing them to health problems such as bone cancer, torn ligaments, and hip dysplasia, amongst other things. This is why it’s so vital for you to ensure that you only put your dog through the spaying process when you know they are ready for it.

Q: How much does it cost to spay a female dog?
A: On average, it costs about $35-$400 dollars to spay a female dog fully. Female dog spaying costs more than neutering a male dog by far; however, the specific clinic you decide to take your dog to will also play a significant role in determining the final price you pay.

Q: Do female dogs calm down after spaying?
A: In appropriate-aged dogs, you can expect a significant drop in “wild” behavioral patterns. However, the amount of time that it takes for your dog to calm down will vary depending on their specific breed. Some dogs take months to calm down while others take a few years to do so.

Knowing when to get your dog spayed

Now that you know all of the critical information required to make your dog’s spaying process go as smoothly as possible, have fun with your new dog since you won’t have to worry about unexpected pregnancy anymore. Before taking your female dog to get spayed, ask yourself these two simple questions: “Is my female dog at the appropriate age to get spayed?” and “Am I prepared to care for my dog after the procedure?”

Do Male Dogs Change after Being Neutered?

you can expect sharp changes in your dog's attitude right when you bring them home from the procedure.TLDR: Neutering, your male dog, has several benefits, such as reducing the likelihood of developing various canine cancers and prostate disease. Neutering is a reasonably safe process; however, you can expect sharp changes in your dog’s attitude right when you bring them home from the procedure. These side effects can range from increased aggression, depression, anxiety, or even clinginess; however, they only last for a short amount of time.

Male dogs, especially young ones, have a propensity to be very “active” in the sexual arena while they are developing and even at older ages if not neutered. This can cause you as the owner because the last thing you want is a bunch of pups running around that you now have to take care of or go through the hassle of finding a safe home. The best way to avoid situations like this is by having your male dog neutered.

Neutering is very effective for reducing your male dog’s sexual appetite; however, it can also activate other behavioral symptoms in them that you may not expect. One of the most well-known adverse effects of having your male dog neutered is that they will often become more aggressive. However, increased aggression is just one small side effect of neutering as the procedure has many more pros than it does cons.

To get a better understanding of all the changes you can expect to see in your male dog after having them neutered, continue reading.

Do male dogs experience mood changes after being neutered?

As we mentioned before, the primary benefits of having your male dog neutered lie in an overall reduction of the odds that they develop a wide range of canine cancers. While male dogs who are neutered do experience an increase in aggressive behaviors right after the procedure, neutering can make them much less aggressive over time. In fact, neutering has bee proven to create a much happier and calmer male dog over time.

One of the huge determining factors as to whether your male dog will become more aggressive after being neutered is the type of breed they are. Certain dog breeds are naturally more aggressive than others, so the temporary imbalance in hormones that neutering causes can spike aggressive behaviors in male dog breeds that are predisposed to violent tendencies in the first place.

The most obvious physical change that your male dog will go through is the removal of their testicles; however, once the incision scars heal, it’s barely noticeable. Neutering your dog is great because it bolsters improved health and a longer life overall.

Other changes to expect in your male dog after being neutered

After being neutered, male dogs will display other beneficial tendencies besides a reduction in their aggressive nature. Take a look below to see some of the most common changes you will notice in your male dog after they have been neutered.

Other Common Behavioral Changes In Male Dogs After Being Neutered

⦁ Less likelihood of your dog wandering off

⦁ Less propensity to hump other dogs

⦁ Reduction in sporadic urination around your home

⦁ Less aggressive behavior

People Also Ask

Q: How does neutering affect a male dog?
A: Male dogs can experience several benefits from being neutered. Neutering your male dog can lower testicular cancer risk in addition to other illnesses like prostate disease. Neutering has also been known to reduce the tendency of roaming in male dogs.

Q: What is the best age to neuter a male dog?
A: For most male dogs, it’s recommended that you get them neutered around the ages of six to nine months old. If you have a male puppy, the recommended age range for neutering is eight weeks.

Q: Do male dogs get aggressive after being neutered?
A: Yes, it’s quite common for male dogs to experience an increase in aggression after being neutered. Neutering your male dog can also cause behavioral symptoms such as increases in fearful behavior, hyperarousal, and more.

Now you know how male dogs change after being neutered

Now, you know all of the common changes you can expect to see in your male dog’s behavior after having him neutered. Male dogs are put under anesthesia during the process, so it’s not inhumane. Before getting the procedure done, ask yourself, “Does my male dog display symptoms that neutering would solve?” and “How will neutering affect my specific dog breed?” Once you answer these questions, you will be able to experience an entirely new pet.

How Soon Can You Release Feral Cats after Spaying?

Feral cats are once domesticated but then have become wild due to being abandoned or lost. Feral cats tend to show very fearful behavior towards humans so getting them spayed requires that you set a clean trap, hold them at least 24hrs before surgery, and release them in the same area where you caught them.

A feral cat is one that was once domesticated but now is lost and living outdoors amongst a colony of other cats. Feral cats also tend to be very afraid of people, so they are categorized as having anti-social behavior. If you work for an animal rescue facility or are an independent person who has a passion for helping animals in need, learning the proper technique involved with spaying a feral cat can be a valuable skill for you to develop.

Aside from knowing when to release feral cats after being spayed, you also need to know the proper protocol involved with catching them before the surgery. In addition to all of the substantive care procedures, they must undergo while in your care.

Below, we’re going to provide you with a detailed guide as to when you should release feral cats after being spayed and all of the other important information you need to know about the entire process.

What’s the safest time to release feral cats after spaying? 

First, you always want to make sure that you keep the cats inside of their trap or carrying case overnight at temperatures of at least 70-degrees or warmer. Preparing the holding space for the cat can help make the entire process of surgery go much smoother. You should set up your holding area by using a tarp on the ground with cardboard on top of it.

This will absorb any food waste, water, or urine that may be dispelled by the cat while in storage. Remember the location where you catch the cats because you have to release them in the same area they were released, or else it can have adverse effects on them after surgery.

The cat’s gender will play a huge role in the amount of time you need to wait before releasing them. Female cats should typically be held for about 48hrs after surgery is complete before being released back into their initial capture location. Male cats usually only need 24hrs for recovery after surgery, however.

How to handle feral cats after spaying 

You must carefully and cautiously handle feral cats because failing to do so can result in the cat escaping after being caught. There is a fundamental process you can follow to ensure that you release your feral cats safely and effectively.

Here is the step-by-step process required to release feral cats safely:

  • Leave the cats in their trap during the entire time of their recovery. Trying to transfer them or move their carrier can lead to injury or them escaping.
  • Always keep the cats inside a temperature-controlled environment that is draft-free. If that is not possible, try to store the cats in an area not directly exposed to external weather elements.
  • Keep the cats trap covered at all times to add a sense of security and protection to the cat. Keep the trap lined with newspaper so that it will not become stained with any excrement from the cat.
  • If you notice any discharges or bleeding during the recovery process, you should contact our veterinarian as soon as possible.

As long as you follow all of these simple rules, you will be able to release feral cats like a true professional.

People Also Ask 

Where can I get a feral cat spayed?

There are many different places you can get a feral cat spayed in your local area. You can find a feral cat spaying facility near you by calling 1-800-248-SPAY or by looking up the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary on google.

How long should you keep a feral cat after spaying?

Feral cats tend to need to be held for about 24hrs-72hrs after surgery is successful. Male cars can recover quickly, so they tend only to need about 24hrs to recover.

How much does it cost to spay a feral cat?

While the final cost to spay a feral cat varies, it typically costs about $300-$500 to spay a female cat. Male cats cost about $200 to spay on the other hand.


We’ve given you all of the vital information you need to know about spaying a feral cat and the processes you need to follow once the surgery is complete. Use all of these tips to safely and efficiently spay any feral cat you may have an interest in.

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